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City Hall started discussions about “Digital Mures” Strategy in Washington D.C

A delegation from Tirgu-Mures City Hall, made up of IT consultants and led by mayor Dorin Florea participated in a series of events and meetings held in  Washington D.C., USA, on Nov. 8-9 2010.

The purpose of these meetings was to start discussions and consultations on the launch of “Digital Mures”  sectorial strategy and to identify experienced partners, project funding solutions and potential investors for the future technological park called “Scientific City for Medical IT”, that the mayor intends to develop in the years to come.

The approaches of Tirgu-Mures delegation were supported by representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Communications and IT and by representatives of the United States Embassy in Romania.

Participation in the Global Forum

The key points of “Digital Mures” strategy were first presented at Global Forum / Shaping the Future, an annual, independent event, dedicated to  economic, political and societal issues  as related to developments and innovations in the field of communications and information technology.

Global Forum constitutes a high profile international think tank event addressing  business, policy issues and civil society and acting as a catalyst for wide ranging applications in the Information Society and communication. Each year, “Global Forum/ Shaping the Future” brings together industrial leaders, policy-makers in national, regional and local administrations, leaders of civil society, academic researchers and specialists coming from more than 40 countries. It is a close-circuit event dedicated to IT&C and governmental leaders and is meant to create a synergy between the political and the technical milieus on the one hand, and the civil society, on the other, aiming at providing a successful evolution of IT Society.

The 2010 edition of the Forum was held at the Marvin Center, being co-organized with George Washington University and was focused on “ICT: an empowered world. A smarter and more innovative society”.

Tirgu-Mures municipality was invited as special guest to Global Forum this year and was granted a special slot of presentation in the most important session. Within the event, mayor Dorin Florea presented the projects of the City Hall and discussed with distinguished representatives of several governments, local administrations, universities, consultants and potential investors.

An important point on the agenda was represented by  Mr. Florea’s discussions with the European Commission representatives, also present at Global Forum. Issues such as financing programs and solutions for sectorial strategy implementation were approached.  The representatives of the European Committee appreciated the initiative and the steadiness with which Tirgu-Mures City Hall focuses on carrying out its plans and they promised to support and visit Tirgu-Mures in the near future.


Meetings with World Bank and US Trade and Development Agency

During the second part of their visit to Washington, the representatives of Tirgu-Mures municipality were invited to the headquarters of the world’s most important banks and financial institutions to discuss ways to support and/or finance the implementation of “Digital Mures” sectorial strategy.

Both the World Bank and US Trade and Development Agency highly appreciated mayor Florea’s plans and showed interest in cooperating and supporting the municipality. The parties discussed both the possibilities of financing these projects and the feasibility studies regarding the Scientific City for Medical IT.

Last, but not least, the delegation discussed with the representatives of EximBank, one of the most experienced American banks in point of financing crucial public-private partnerships.

Throughout these meetings, mayor Florea insisted on the municipality’s decision to identify non reimbursable financial sources and public-private partnership financing opportunities, with minimum investment amounts on behalf of the municipality.

The American private business milieu appreciates and is interested in “Digital Mures” strategy

The multinational companies were highly interested in the mayor’s vision on the development of Tirgu-Mures and offered their support to the city’s projects; some of these companies could even become potential investors in “Digital Mures” strategy.

Thus, the members of the delegation were invited to present their vision and to discuss about cooperation with first rank actors at the international level. Visits were made at the invitation of IBM Software Center of Excellence, HP and Oracle.

It was also in Washington that Visa Europe announced their willingness to cooperate and to implement a new technological standard in Tirgu-Mures, which will be, certainly, a world premiere. Visa’s announcement was a surprise for all the participants in the Global Forum and the subsequent meetings, increasing the interest in mayor Dorin Florea’s projects.

„Digital Mures” strategy

„Digital Mures” strategy is made up of two main components: a modern infrastructure of private-public services and, second, the construction and the development of a medical IT technological park.

While the infrastructure of private-public services will generate money saving and will increase the comfort of the citizen and of the private business milieu, “The Scientific City for Medical IT” will contribute to the development of industry and of research at global level, and will bring about thousands of working places in Tirgu-Mures.

The official discussions and consultations for “Digital Mures” strategy will begin on December 9th 2010 in Tirgu-Mures. From that day on, the citizens, the private business milieu, the academic milieu and the civil society will be invited and will have the possibility to get into contact with the City Hall in order to contribute directly to the finalization and the implementation of the strategy.

For more details, please visit, starting from December 9th 2010. Consultations can also be carried out by the social networks where Tirgu-Mures City Hall will be present.

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