Calea Verde spre Dezvoltare Durabilă
Primăria Municipiului Tîrgu Mureș este partener al proiectului CALEA VERDE SPRE DEZVOLTARE DURABILĂ, finanțat prin Mecanismul Financiar al Spațiului Economic European, Granturile SEE 2009-2014, la Ministerul Mediului Apelor și Pădurilor, în cadrul Programului RO 07 ADAPTAREA LA SCHIMBĂRILE CLIMATICE,
1. Strategia privind adaptarea la schimbările climatice în Municipiul Tîrgu Mureș
„Digital Mures” strategy is made up of two main components: a modern infrastructure of private-public services and, second, the construction and the development of a medical IT technological park. While the infrastructure of private-public services will generate money saving and will increase the comfort of the citizen and of the private business environment, “The Scientific City for Medical IT” will contribute to the development of industry and of research at global level, and will bring about thousands of working places in Tirgu-Mures. For more details please visit |
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