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ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
O nouă semnare de contract de finanțare prin Regio pentru reabilitarea termică a blocurilor de locuințe din Tîrgu Mureş Attachments: reabilitare termica lot VI.pdf reabiliatre termica lot VI Hu.pdf ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
REABILITAREA TERMICĂ CU FONDURI EUROPENE CONTINUĂ ÎN TÎRGU MUREŞ Attachments: reabilitare termica lot V.pdf reabilitare termica lot V Hu.pdf ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
Concurs de proiecte pentru finanţarea nerambursabilă a programelor/proiectelor culturale Attachments: Ghid proiecte culturale 2015.pdf ghidcultsite2015.doc ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
Tirgu-Mures Medieval Fortress redevelopment and preservation 1.    PROJECT’S PREZENTATION: General objective: The revaluation of Tirgu Mures Medieval Fortress by redevelopment and conservation, in order to increase the number of tourists. Specific obj (...) ...
Recreational area in Tudor Vladimirescu district- Tg. Mures 1.    PROJECT’S PREZENTATION: General objective: Given the fact that the renowned sports and recreational complex Muresul, after the modernization in the recent years, has become very crowd (...) ...
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
Modernization of the Theatre Square in Tg. Mures 1.    PROJECT’S PREZENTATION: General objective: The project "Modernization of the Theatre Square" includes an area of 18,104 sqm and is based on urban regeneration solutions (...) ...
ShareJoomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
  Tirgu Mures City was named urban development pole through GD No. 998/2008 for designating national growth poles in which are firstly achieved investments from programmes with communitarian and national financin (...)
The extension of “Calea Sighisoarei” street in two directions- the connection with the national road DN13 and DN15, Tg.Mures (approx. 6 km)   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION: General objective: The dysfunctions of the road network in Tirgu Mures, considering the actual traffic conditions, are due to the lack of bypass roads (...) ...
Restoration and modernization of the ZOO   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION: General objective: Implementation and accomplishment of the investment projects in order to achieve the necessary standards for authorization of the zo (...) ...
Modernization and rearranging of recreational public areas- Cornesti Plateau in Tirgu Mures   1. Project’s presentation General objective: Sustainable tourism development in Tirgu Mures by creating tourism infrastructure on Corneşti Plateau, increasing the contribution of (...) ...
The revaluation of solar energy renewable resources by emplacing new systems inside the public institutions from Tirgu- Mures City   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION The general objective of the project is the revaluation of solar energy renewable resources and especially the emplacement of the new technological syste (...) ...
Green house in Tirgu Mures Municipality   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION: General objective: Replacing traditional heating systems with systems that use solar energy. Specific objectives: Replacing traditional heating (...) ...
New parks in Tirgu-Mures Municipality- Carpaţi Alley, Haţeg Alley and Vrancea Alley   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION:General objective:Improving the environment by creating green spaces in the city of Tirgu Mures.Specific objectives:Park rehabilitation in Carpaţi Alley;P (...) ...
Modernization of the House for the Elderly 1.    PROJECT’S PREZENTATION: General objective: Rehabilitation of the House for the Elderly building that is 100 years old, by modernization of an area of 1248.6 sq.m., mansard-roofing an ar (...) ...
Rehabilitation and modernization of educational infrastructure   1.      NATIONAL COLLEGE „ALEXANDRU PAPIU ILARIAN” 1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION The project’s general objective is the improvement of education infrastruct (...) ...
Modernization of the streets in Tirgu-Mures County      MODERNIZATION OF THE STREETS IN TIRGU- MURES    1.    PROJECT’S PREZENTATION: General objective: Improving transport infrastructure in the municipality of (...) ...
Time efficient delivery of public services through Geospatial Solutions for Urbanism   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATION The project’s general objective is improving the quality and efficiency of the services provided by the public administration in Tirgu- Mures Municipalit (...) ...
Modernizing and improving the efficiency of public services on behalf of the citizens   1. PROJECT’S PRESENTATIONThe general objective is the growth of local public administration’s efficiency on behalf of local community, through information technology (IT) and publi (...) ...
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